69 Thompson Road
Keeseville, NY 12944
5188347140 5188347187
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Champlain Valley Specialty of NY, Inc.

Profile Last Updated: Jan 19, 2021
About Us
Grab Apples are locally-grown, pre-sliced apples that are packaged for your convenience. These locally-grown, pre-sliced apples are now available in New England, New York, and Virginia. Grown locally and sliced in NY by Champlain Valley Specialty Company, GRAB APPLES are shipped directly to local schools and their distributors. The slices are preserved with Vitamin C and Calcium and stay fresh for 3 weeks. Market studies have shown that sliced apples on lunch trays are consumed by 90% of students. 1 Grab Apples are made from the highest-quality Fuji, Gala, Empire, and Granny Smith apples.
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Business Types
Farm / Ranch
Local Delivery
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